Field Experience

Important Information 2023-2024

Field Experience (FX) Offered

There are four Field Experience opportunities at the University of Alberta: Introductory Field Experience, Advanced Field Experience, Specialized Field Experience and Early Field Experience Pilot Project.

The Supporting Mentor Teachers Project (SMTP)

SMTP is an exciting opportunity for U of A mentor teachers to embark on a professional learning journey that involves several choices for enhancing knowledge and skills in the mentorship of pre-service teachers and ultimately instructional leadership. 

SMTP Link - information on the program 

Regional Placement Information

How can Field Experiences Support Regional Pre-Service Teachers?

Before students choose a regional placement, they must understand and accept that, due to distance from Edmonton, neither field experience associates nor university facilitators will be able to visit them at their school sites. Student teachers who opt for a regional placement receive the following supports from a field experience associate and/or a university facilitator by telephone, email, and/or video call platforms:

Educational & Financial Opportunity For Mentor Teachers!  

SMTP is an exciting opportunity for U of A mentor teachers to embark on a professional learning journey that involves several choices for enhancing knowledge and skills in the mentorship of pre-service teachers and ultimately instructional leadership. `

EDFX 495 - Supplementary Specialized Field Experience (Elementary & Secondary)

Have You Considered This Course?

Course Description

Forms for Pre Service Teachers, Mentors, School Coordinators & U of A Facilitators

Pre-Service Teacher Resources

Coming Soon!